Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 6 Technorati

This site has so much on it - and some of those blogs have links to so much more - depending on what the focus of the blog is. Looking at Arianna Huffington's blog made me realize that when you get on a blog done by someone like her, the amount of information being made available on a topic is huge. So, I am realizing, blogs could be a good place to research topics - but as always with the web, the researcher needs to keep in mind who is providing the information, and how trustworthy is it. Having said that, I can see that going to a blog on a topic and seeing if they link to authoritative web sites could be a good approach at times.

I also like looking at the tags and seeing where they take you...a game I will need to be careful of as I can see myself spending a lot of time going deeper and deeper from the original starting point.

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