Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 3 Thing 7

Technology is such a progressive science...some people thrive on the never-ending list of new things to explore and have...and others get overwhelmed by the feeling that they can never keep up. Without a doubt, there is so much out there that it can be difficult to weed through it and determine what is of value to us, and what will fade away as people decide they have no use for that particular tool.

One of the problems I have is thinking of ways to use some of this new technology to my advantage. I believe that technology should be used to simplify our lives, not complicate it! And I personally like the "Wow" factor when we can use technology to do something that couldn't be done before!

I remember hearing at workshop that we need to be careful to not get ahead of our users as we attempt to stay current in providing access to technology. This balance seems to be one of the greatest challenges of all.

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